This Disclaimer applies to theoctagonoracle.com (the website), and The Octagon Oracle LLC. Analytics, AI projections, and other information displayed on theoctagonoracle.com may be useful for sports betting, however, information on our website is not financial advice. The Octagon Oracle LLC is not responsible for any monetary or psychological damages that may occur from utilizing the website to influence sports betting decisions. There is a possibility that unforeseen bugs and glitches may affect the information presented on theoctagonoracle.com leading to inaccurate information. The Octagon Oracle LLC will work to fix any issues upon discover but does not take responsibility for ensuring the accuracy of any information presented on the website.
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The Octagon Oracle LLC reserves the right to change this Disclaimer from time to time.
Contact Information
The Octagon Oracle LLC welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Disclaimer.
The Octagon Oracle LLC
4 Bond St #2
Great Neck, New York 11021
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Effective as of March 01, 2023